Balloon Car Racers Experiment

Big question: How can I make the car go fastest or furthest?

Once a month I will post a scientific experiment for you to enjoy at home as a family. It would be great if you could have a go and let me know how it went. Make predictions, tell me about your failures and successes and take photos. All details about the experiment can be found below.

What you need to do:

Watch the video –

Get the materials

Have a piece of paper to answer questions

Think scientifically (make lots of mistakes and learn from them until you come up with the design you want – car goes fastest or furthest)

Have fun with Science At Home

Predictions (answer before you start experiment):

What will make the car go faster?

How can you make the car go further?

Questions to answer during experiment:

What acted as an engine for the car?

What made the car go faster?

How did you make the car go further?

Have a race. Whose car went further/faster and why?

Email the following to me:

  1. 3 pictures of your experiment (eg. apparatus used, experiment in action).

  2. Answers to the big question and other questions above (with name and class).

Your pictures and scientific findings could be included in a “Science At Home” display in school.

Thank you for doing some Science At Home,

Miss Nakibinge

2 thoughts on “Balloon Car Racers Experiment

  1. That sounds cool I wish I was there the first day at school was amazing I made five new friends: Zara,Hanes I can’t remember what their names are . To bad it hasn’t got that many thing to play on unlike amazing Rosendale I really miss you guys!😢😭😭😭😭😭 hope to see you soon!from your old classmate
    HANNAH!!!!!!! !!!!!!


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